Monday, September 28, 2009
Time of Your Life by Green Day #4
To me this song is saying that life if full of choices and decisions. You'll make good choices and bad choices, but you always learn from your mistakes. Remember all the good times you've had because its all really worth it in the end.
Lyrics- 5 good, clear lyrics but make you think and apply them to your own life
Beat- 4 good beat
Accessibility- 5 lyrics are clear and understandable
Originality- 3 there are a lot of songs that talk about having "the time of your life"
Memorable- 5 the song is short and easy to remember
Replay Ability- 3 the song is short and is easy to memorize..not one i'd play over and over again
Overall- 83%
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback #3

This song has a great beat and rhythm, but also has really good lyrics. The song basically talks about how nobody wants to be alone and everyone is looking for that person that they can love with their whole heart and receive the same thing in return. It talks about how there has to be somebody out there for everybody, you just can’t give up looking for that person if you don’t find them right away. And when you do have an opportunity to meet somebody, you should take it because you never know if they are the one. The song repeated talks about having hope that there is somebody out there for you.
To me this song is encouraging. I truly do believe there is somebody out there for everyone; you just have to keep looking. Like the song says, it’s like looking for a diamond in the rough, but you can’t give up. Be open to meeting new people and never get discouraged. There is somebody out there for you; you just have to find them. And when you do, you will truly be happy.
Lyrics-5 I really like these song lyrics
Beat-5 It has a catchy beat.
Accessibility-5 You can understand the lyrics clearly
Originality-5 Nice lyrics and beat, nothing crazy
Memorable-5 I couldn’t forget this song if I tried
Replay Abilitiy-4 When the song first came out I listened to it all the time, but it might lose some of its meaning if you play it over and over and over again
Overall: 96%
Reviewed by Abby
Alright my turn to take a stab at this song. I believe that Nickelback is trying to get the point across that there is someone for everyone, and how important it is to find that certain someone. This process is hard however, and that you have to keep your eyes open for that certain someone. You will also know when you find that someone that you have been looking for.
I can also relate to this song, because I too am looking for what the song is talking about. However, I do feel like last one there. Sometimes this song just seems like wishful thinking. Everyone does have someone, if they can find them.
Lyrics - 5 Pretty good lyrics, gets the point across
Beat - 4 Good use of the guitar, but would be interesting to hear an acoustic version
Accessibility - 5 Can clearly understand the lyrics and understand the meaning.
Originality - 2 It seems like every other Nickelback song however, beat wise and lyric wise.
Replay Ability - 3 The radio has really killed this song for me, but it is good to listen to it every now and again.
Memorable - 4 The song can get stuck in your head.
Overall - 76% C+
Reviewed by Brett
This song is available for purchase that the iTunes library, and most other songs we review. Check out our iMix list The Reviewed songs.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Feeling a Moment by Feeder # 2

This is a very unique song to say the least. It is mixed with some high vocals and rock. "Feeling a Moment" is a very deep song making you really think about the lyrics in the song. Feeder starts the song out by describing how things can be depressing at times, and how things can turn south very quickly. They ask how you feel about certain metaphors in the song. It also makes you look at your decisions that you have made and there consequences. Feeder then reminds you that you are never alone in your journey and that someone is always there for you.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Dedicated by Linkin Park #1

Linkin Park has known for there mix between rap and rock. Dedicated is a more rap type song, almost reminding me of Mike Shinoda's Fort Minor. This song was released on their Linkin Park Underground Vol. 2 and is difficult to find. Anyways on to the review, Linkin Park as most of there songs are about how that anyone can overcome adversity. In this song they are writing about how sometimes life is hard and that dedication can overcome anything as long as change is wanted. This song, to me, makes me feel like that in order to change that hard work is needed and a dedication to the change. To me they get the point across that life is hard and depressing at times, but you have to overcome that.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Music Reviews
Monday, June 29, 2009
Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Review